Leica MP chrome no. MP-157 *
144.000 €
inkl. Käuferpremium
Schätzpreis 60.000 € – 70.000
Jahr : 1957
Zustand : A/B
Original Leica MP in beautiful condition, dual stroke, with proper engraving inside 'P 157', comes with a chrome Leicavit MP. It has been initially delivered to Caracas on 29.07.1957 (codename 'IMOOP' = Leica MP with Leicavit-Base). Both camera and Leicavit in beautiful working condition, also included in this lot is a dual range Summicron 2/50mm no.1836097. The original Leica MP is one of the major rarities in the Leica world. The chassis of the camera was shown in the Lager 'Cameras' on page 194.