Hasselblad Electric Camera (HEC) NASA *
54.000 €
inkl. Käuferpremium
Schätzpreis 40.000 € – 45.000
Jahr : 1968
Zustand : B/A
very rare, early authentic for NASA modified 500 EL/M with black anodised finish (original camera, not a replica), pre-runner of the later produced HEC (Hasselblad Electric Camera) for the Apollo Lunar missions. It is from the first generation NASA motor-driven cameras which were also taken on the manned voyage which passed close to the moon on December 21st to 27th,1968. During this voyage 10 orbits of the moon were made, the purpose being to survey future landing sites. Along with other modifications the camera mirror was removed to reduce weight. A special large locking mechanism was added in order to change film magazines with bulky space gloves on. Similarly a larger, sturdier shutter release plate was added to the camera. It comes with a special NASA Planar 2.8/80mm no.4594723 with matching black anodised finish with large control tabs, also designed for use with space gloves, a black 70mm magazine no.TR400106 S/N 175, engraved: P/N SEB 33100082-201 S/N 175 SUPER WIDE CAMERA